Mental health is a serious concern that affects many people these days. Everything from demanding jobs, increasing debt to raising children to unemployment to negative work environments to caring for aging parents can be thrown into the stress mix.
How does this relate to chakras? Which chakra is related to mental health? Our chakras reflect how we live so, the area of our life that is causing us the most stress and mental health challenge will be reflected in the chakra that is the most unbalanced, damaged, or blocked. So, if you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, here are a few ways chakra balancing can support you.
By clearing the Chakra that relates to clear thinking, trusting your decisions, and making healthy choices. The benefits of being able to be in total control of your life are immense. When we’re overwhelmed, clarity goes out the window! Sacred Wellness provides an opportunity to easily clear congestion from the third eye and crown chakras without substantial effort on your part.
By working on the Chakra that governs self-esteem you can increase self-confidence which are both qualities related to our sense of who we are that is held in the solar plexus chakra.
By learning to just ‘BE” we can reset the Chakras that hold emotions, traumas, and past experiences so clearing these out on a subconscious level can promote the ability to rest, relax, and move forward in life.
Insights gained during Sacred Wellness provide awareness and understanding of the behavior patterns, emotions, and habits which can further lead to the ability to make different decisions to better our lives.
The Chakras are the Windows to Your Soul.
They are the interface between the spiritual & physical aspects of self. Each of the seven chakras contains within them the memories of our past experiences.
During our life we may encounter negative, painful, or traumatic experiences which disturb our vital energy and unbalance our chakras, causing us to feel out of alignment in our life & relationships.
This is because unhealed memories, or negative energy, can influence the way in which we lead our lives. Instead of being in flow, receptive, intuitive & abundant we feel the opposite. In lack, closed off, lacking direction, and feeling unfulfilled.
If, for example, as a child, we had a parent who was angry, stressed, busy or absent even unintentionally, as they were always working trying to make ends meet or they were parenting through their own unhealed trauma, this can cause an imbalance in the Root Chakra which oversees our sense of safety, security and our sense of belonging; to become blocked or imbalanced.
As an adult, we may lead a life whereby we are ‘working too hard, focusing on creating a safe, secure environment for ourselves’ which means we are unable to create or maintain a loving relationship; and it can be incredibly difficult to stop behaving this way. This is because our long-held memories stored in our subconscious mind are trying to heal our early experience of lack of safety, security, and belonging needs. Subconsciously, our mind is telling us that we are ‘not safe without these needs being met’ and the negative beliefs we hold around this just make us work all the harder, despite us knowing that we are not living the way we would wish.
The 7 Chakras.
There are 7 main Chakras in the body ranging from our head to the base of our spine. Each has its own unique function, color, and location. Instead of starting from the top-down, Chakras are numbered in the opposite direction, starting at the base of the spine and ending with the head.
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Gina –
Absolutely love this. This helped me refocus and love myself the way I deserve.